Emission “Entre nous soit dit” on Radio RTS La Première. A 1-hour PAVLINA interview with journalist Lidia Gabor: download HERE
Emission "A l'ombre du baobab", Radio Fribourg, with journalist Thierry Savary, about Dr. Dessibourg and Pavlina, 2009, Fribourg, Switzerland.
Emission "Intérieurs", Radio RTS La Première. Interview of 1h with the journalist Daniel Fazan, 2007 (Rediffusion), Lausanne, Switzerland.
Emission "Intérieurs", Radio RTS La Première. Interview of 1h with the journalist Daniel Fazan, 2006, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Emission "A l'ombre du Baobab", Radio Fribourg, with the journalist Thierry Savary, 2003, Fribourg, Switzerland.
Emission "Les Echos de Sapho", Radio Phare, with the journalist Michel Bénard, 2003, Reims, France.
Emission Interview, Radio Lora, with the journalist Lora, 1997, Zurich, Switzerland.
Emission Interview, Radio Seefunk, with the journalist J. Krautheimer, 1996, Constance, Germany.
Emission Interview, Radio SWF3, with the journalist Andreas Müller, 1995, Baden-Baden, Germany.
Emission "People for People", Radio Seefunk, with the journalist of Seefunk, 1993, Constance, Germany.